
15 Oct 2024

Three OBSGESSION seminars explain key principles of the project

Over the first 9 months of OBSGESSION, three internal seminars were held between members of the consortium. Their aim was explaining key principles and methods of the project. The recordings were subsequently uploaded to our YouTube channel as an accessible resource on these principles.

The first seminar covered the topic of Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs), their history, significance, operationalisation, and how they will be developed within the project in the context of remote sensing. You can watch it here.

The second seminar explored the Detection and Attribution Modelling Framework (DAM), different types of models, variables and underlying assumptions inherent in each. You can find the recording here,

Finally, the third seminar explored the Basics of Uncertainty of Measurement, including information regarding remote sensing measurement units, calibration, sources of measurement uncertainty and how to account for and overcome them. You can watch the seminar here.